Water Distrubution System Improvement

El Floron is a sector in Portoviejo, Ecuador that is really poor and past goverments just ignored the needs of its inhabitants. This led to a mayor water distribution problem after the sector expanded and new users arrived. The project consisted on improving the water distribution system to this sector. I was a part of this project along with the public water company, it was challenging but very rewarding, I end up learning a lot and also ended up making a change in a community that was struggling to fulfill their basic needs.

We divided the sector into different polygons and worked on each sector from there. I used CIVIL 3D, ARCGIS, WATERCAD and other tools in order to create a realiable and accurate simmulation, saving the company a lot of money. Engineering simulations are the future, they are cost efficient and if applied properly they can help you get a more complete story. I worded in this project alongside many other engineers. In the end we were able to come up with a proposal that would improve the system and that would be cost effective as the commpany was having budget problems.

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Results & Reports


Using Arcgis and GoogleEarth we were able to get the geolocation of the project. With the real coordinates, elavations and markdows of the place we used this GIS model in CIVIL3D and then used the WATERCAD extension for this software. This ensured accurate info.

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A report showing favorable conditions. This condition was taken out of the similation at 4am taking into account water usage at the time. We can conclude that this is favorable because of the pressures and low water consumption at that time in the day

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In this simularion event the worse conditions were noted. At 6pm, usually when everyone has already arrived from work, there is a peak consumption and this was a huge problem in the water distribution grid. Our task was to propose a solution for this scenario.

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At 11pm we noted that the pipes of the system had the higher preassures when running the simulation. This was a real problem as some of the preassures threatened the integrity of the grid and so we also came up with a proposal that worked for this condition.

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We wanted to check how the simulation would behave in case of a fire. In this simulation we looked at the preassures and realized that the preassures in the middle were bigger and also had to take this into account when creating our solution simulation.

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The propsed solution to the water distribution problem that El Floron had. We determined that by changing the diammeter of some of the pipes then the preassure problem would disappear and there would also be a better water distribution in the sector.

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